What Happens In Mediation?
An appointment will be made for each of you to see a mediator separately at first in order for the mediator to assess as to whether the dispute is suitable for mediation and appropriate for you.

- The assessment meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. If the dispute is suitable for mediation then a joint mediation appointment will be made and there may be between one and three sessions lasting around one hour each session. If necessary separate appointments can be made.
- The mediator will help you to try to achieve realistic proposals which each of you can accept. There will be a discussion and exploration of possible arrangements to suit you both.
- The mediator may give legal information but will not give advice.
At the end of the mediation sessions a summary of the understanding reached can be prepared and if appropriate your solicitor could transfer those proposals into legally binding agreements or orders. You may wish to consult your solicitor for legal advice at any stage in the mediation process.